Android 11 (API 30) changes the way of using external app services. Using compileSdk 30 and above, without additional Manifest entry the bindService() method will always return False, even if with compileSdk 29 the app will work perfectly. I want to share solution of this problem after WAY TOO LONG time I spent on searching it…

Remote Logger

- 5 mins read

While working on a project, I couldn’t use Android’s ‘Development Options’ - I couldn’t access the logs. If only you could send Logcat logs, e.g. via WebSocket, and then catch them on your computer… I did not find such a tool, so I wrote one and described the process in this post.
The Mediator’s job is to organize communication between close classes. The Mediator pattern cuts out dependencies between components. It takes over the interaction between them, becoming the main communication hub for a group of classes. There is a reverse of the controls because components are now just telling ‘what happened’ instead of telling others to ‘do something’. It can be found e.g. in the form of ViewModel in Android, where it separates UI interactions from data model changes.
The Adapter or Wrapper Pattern allows you to translate one interface into another, expected by the client class. It is especially useful when the adapted object comes from 3rd party library, and you do not want to make your system depending on that interface, creating the so-called anticorruption layer. Adaptee interface changes will only affect the Adapter and not the rest of the code.
IntelliJ IDEA is pretty good at handling LaTeX. I dare say that it is an even better experience than TexStudio or Texmaker, which are dedicated to this type of project. However, the strength of IntelliJ is not in its out-of-the-box capabilities, but plugins and manual configuration of the build process.
The facade allows you to hide the details of the module from clients. It ensures compliance with Law Demeter. Using the generic interface and various implementations greatly simplifies testing. It blends well with other patterns like Strategy, Template Method, or construction patterns, allowing configuration of the object available for the clients. The facade is a good entry point for libraries, giving customers access to high-level functionality and hiding all internal logic and classes.
The Strategy pattern creates a family of algorithms, enclosing the differing logic in separate classes while hiding it from clients behind the interface. It enables the interchangeable use of implementations. The use of the strategy simplifies the customer code, avoids code duplication and conditional statements. Significantly simplifies testing - by separating client testing from strategy algorithms.